Why aren't my prayers being answered?
In this blog, I want to discuss with you how to deal with prayers that have not been answered yet and promises that have not yet been fulfilled.
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The first thing is to avoid getting caught up in trying to understand the reasons behind why God has not responded to your prayer or why it is taking longer than expected. This can be dangerous because during this waiting period, you are vulnerable and the enemy, who is an opportunist, uses this moment to attack you with deception and lies.
It’s like being in a car with Jesus at the wheel, you as the passenger, and the enemy in the back seat. As you are driving with Jesus on your life’s journey and notice how difficult and long certain points in the trip are, Jesus encourages you to have faith because you will get there. You will receive what you have asked for and what He promised you. But the devil is in the backseat trying to sow doubt by saying, "Jesus will not answer your prayers. If He will, then why are you suffering? Why hasn’t anything changed or happened yet?" He wants you to take your eyes off Jesus who’s driving you and guiding your journey, and instead look at him in the backseat.
The devil uses our moments of vulnerability and ignorance to lie to us. But we have to understand that God doesn’t always reveal things to us because it will be like giving your money to your 5-year-old and telling them to get groceries. All they will come back with are bags of candy. But if you tell your older, more mature child to get groceries, they will be more responsible and select better food. You can trust them because they are mature.
As you grow spiritually, God will be able to trust you with more. But until then, it will be irresponsible of God to give you what you cannot handle, and this includes answers to certain prayers or revelations. God works with the measure of our faith (Romans 12:3).
When we pray, it's important to remember that God is not only capable but also eager to act on our behalf. Furthermore, answering our prayers brings glory to God, as stated in John 14:13-14, which reads, "And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it."
By having unwavering faith in our prayer requests (Hebrews 10:23), and avoiding doubt, we can expect to receive what we asked for (James 1:6).
Having doubts causes our minds to be unstable, similar to a wave in the ocean that is driven by the wind. Those who think this way should not expect to receive anything from God, as they are indecisive and inconsistent in their behavior (James 1:6-8).
If you believed in God one day for something once, then continue to believe in Him every day until you see it happen.
Try this
Ask for greater faith. Pray and seek God's help in expanding your level of faith (Romans 12:3). Make it known to God that you want your faith in Him to grow, expand, and rise to a level where doubt ceases to exist.
Our ability to patiently wait for our prayers to be answered does not come from our own strength or power, but solely from the Spirit granting us the measure of faith needed (Zechariah 4:6).
Keep this in mind, God is perfect, and His timing for when things happen in our lives is also perfect.
Prayer Principles
When you find yourself in a situation where your prayers seem unanswered, remember these three key principles that can help you navigate through this period of waiting:
Maintain faith
Have expectation
Avoid doubting
Firstly, having faith is key. Trust in the process and believe that your prayers will be answered in time.
Secondly, continue to have a sense of hope. Expect and undoubtably believe that what was promised or asked will come to fruition in the future.
Finally, make sure to eliminate any doubt at all cost. Even in times of uncertainty, hold onto your belief that things will work out in your favor.
By holding onto these three principles or keys, which are faith, expectation, and eliminating doubt, you can find strength and perseverance during times when you are waiting for your prayers to be answered.
Afterwards, your faith will serve as a reminder that God has listened to your prayers and is working on your situation.
Before you go...
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Here's what to read next - As Your Faith Grows So Will Your Success
A call for salvationÂ
When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you and Him become one, which is one of the greatest blessings of salvation.Â
To be saved, acknowledge Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9). In addition, confess your sins, repent of them, and ask Jesus to forgive you for all your sins.
After this step, pray for guidance to find a ministry where you can grow spiritually, gain knowledge about the kingdom, and begin living the abundant life promised by Jesus.
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SEO Keywords: SSFL, Faith, Doubt, Unansweredprayers, Pray