Unveiling Biblical Wealth Secrets
What made Abraham so rich? And how can I be rich myself?
In this blog, we will discuss what was the source of Abraham's wealth and how we can achieve wealth like his. God has given us the keys to His Kingdom for financial blessings.
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How to get blessings like Abraham
Although we aspire to receive the same blessings as Abraham, we often lack the willingness to make the same sacrifices he made to achieve them.
Abraham was asked by God to surrender something he cherished deeply - his son. The next morning, without any complaints, hesitation, or delay, Abraham obediently followed God's instructions and went ahead and did what he was asked.
Due to his prompt obedience, God showered Abraham with abundant blessings, ultimately granting him the greatest gift of Jesus Christ being born through his lineage, ensuring salvation and blessings for the entire world (Genesis 22:18).
In contrast, we tend to be selfish, hesitant, procrastinating, or outright disobedient when God requires us to let go of or offer Him something precious, such as our money. But to attain the level of blessings that Abraham received, we must prove to God that we love and honor Him more than our possessions as Abraham did. Demonstrate to God that we prioritize loving and honoring Him over ourselves, our needs, wants, and desires.
It is through our actions that we need to show God that we are genuinely surrendered to Him.
We may lie to ourselves and deceive others, but we cannot fool God as He sees into our hearts (Luke 16:15; Proverbs 21:2; 1 Samuel 16:7; Jeremiah 17:10; Acts 15:8; Psalm 44:21; Romans 8:27; Jeremiah 17:9; Psalm 51:10).
God’s truth may be uncomfortable, painful, unsettling, and even offensive to our nature. However, despite the discomfort it brings, it’s rewarding. It is what liberates us from lack, bondage, poverty, oppression, curses, and more.
For instance, similar to Abraham's immediate obedience to God's command, we should prioritize giving our tithes as directed by God. By doing so, God promises to open the floodgates (outpouring, outburst, gush, etc) of heaven and bless us abundantly, to the point where there will not be enough room to contain all the blessings (Malachi 3:10).
God is giving us the keys to His Kingdom for financial blessings. Therefore, don’t wait for it to make sense, instead see it make sense by acting first and understanding it later.
The order of God is to listen, obey, act in faith then you will see the outcome.
If you stay committed to God's instructions without veering off course, the challenges you face while following His commands will ultimately prove to be worthwhile. This applies to all areas of our lives, such as our relationships, health, careers, business, future, purpose, and so on.
Luke 6:38 says, "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
In his book "Kingdom Principles," Myles Munroe said, “We can never out-give God. Give, and He will give abundantly and overflowing in return. It’s a principle of His Kingdom. Besides, His reputation and glory are at stake.”
Satan wants you to be bound by poverty, and he knows that giving brings a release and leads to freedom. It releases signs and miracles and brings fortune. Moreover, giving can break spiritual chains and attract blessings.
1 Kings 17 presents a situation where this widowed woman faced a decision: either eat and die or give and live. She chose to give. By choosing to give, the widow experienced abundance through obedience, instead of holding onto possessions that would have led to the death of both her and her child.
Those who are not spiritually inclined cannot understand the wisdom of God, as told in 1 Corinthians 2:14.
Although God's wisdom, patterns, and instruction may sometimes seem different from what we are accustomed to, it is the nature of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Obedience is the answer
The concept of being bless by God goes beyond simply giving money, it's rooted in our obedience.
Obedience has rewards (Genesis 22:15-17). If there's any motivation to be obedient to God, in addition to recognizing His authority and deserving our reverence, are the rewards behind it.
We're not encouraging obedience solely for the sake of receiving rewards from God. We should obey God simply because He’s God and deserves our reverence. However, it is undeniable that obedience to God is often accompanied by rewards. This can serve as an added source of motivation, especially when we are asked to do a difficult task for God like Abraham when he was instructed to sacrifice his only son.
Abraham promptly followed God's instructions without any hesitation, delay, or excuses. In response, God made a solemn promise by swearing by Himself to greatly increase Abraham's descendants, as many as the stars in the sky and the grains of sand on the seashore. And through his lineage Christ will be born, all because Abraham listened and obey what God told him.
When obedience to God becomes a habit, it becomes easier to do despite how extremely difficult the instruction may be.
When God told Abraham to circumcise the men, he acted quickly. When he was told to expel his first son, Ishmael, despite the sorrow it caused him, he did it, nonetheless. When God told Abraham, he would have a child when him and his wife were old and barren, Abraham and his wife miraculously had a child as promised by God. When the city of Sodom was destroyed, God fulfilled His promise to spare Abraham's nephew Lot.
Abraham's life was characterized by many instances of God's promises being fulfilled, some of which may not have been recorded.
His intimate relationship with the Lord resulted in abundant blessings for both him and his descendant's due to his loyal obedience and faith.
Another important aspect to highlight is Abraham's profound fear of God. While Abraham was obedient, he also held a deep reverence for God. One writer refers to this as "Holy Reverence."
Abraham's fear of God was marked by deep respect, admiration, and humility before the Almighty. It was this sense of awe and reverence that guided his actions and decisions. Abraham's holy reverence was the driving force behind his unwavering obedience and unwavering commitment to God's will.
The fear of God is not about terror. While fear outside of God brings torment, the fear of God is about showing reverence and honor for who He is. Regrettably, our pride and lack of reverence often hinder us from obeying God's commands. But if you desire to experience good days, you must lead a life that honors God (Psalm 34:11).
Because of his reverence for God, ultimately, Abraham was a person whom God could trust.
Modern Christianity often depicts Jesus in a casual manner, lacking reverence for God. True reverence recognizes God's holiness and power. Even the thief on the cross, upon acknowledging Jesus, criticized the other thief for his lack of reverence and paid homage to Jesus as the King.
If you realize that you have not been showing reverence to God, do not be saddened or disappointed; instead, view it as a chance to change.
When the Holy Spirit communicates with us, it is intended to help us, not hurt us. He's in our lives to build us up, guide us, make us spiritually mature, and to make us into the person He created us to be. He helps us in our weakness, draws us closer to Jesus and it is through the Holy Spirit where the knowledge of the reverential fear of the Lord is given (Romans 8:26; Isaiah 11:2).
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate (Holy Spirit) to help you and be with you forever — John 14:16
"One way to receive God’s blessings guaranteed is to reverence and obey God. Do these two things and you will be blessed like Abraham was." - Psalm 128:1
God wants to trust us, bless us, use us, make our lives extraordinary and beyond, but we must become individuals he can rely on.
One interesting point to note regarding Abraham's experience is how he kept quiet about what God told him to do (Genesis 22:1-2). This serves as a valuable lesson on the importance of speaking less.
Oftentimes when we are enthusiastic, eager to boast, brag, or struggle with keeping secrets, we disclose information that should remain private.
Imagine if Abraham had informed his wife of his intention to sacrifice their son. After waiting 25 years to conceive, and at nearly 90 years old, revealing such news that her only child is going to die could have led to unnecessary complications. It might have caused a similar situation to occur when she suggested that Abraham have a child with her maidservant, a decision that was contrary to God's will (Genesis 16:1-13). Furthermore, Abraham did not disclose his plans to his son.
By maintaining silence regarding God's instructions, one shields themselves from disobedience, fear, delays, doubt, listening to others over God, confusion, and interference.
“If you love me, you will keep my commandments." - John 14:15
By following and having faith in God, we too can experience a life full of miracles and prosperity, because the Bible makes is very clear that we should live by what God tells us (Matthew4:4).
For more examples of how God rewards us due to our obedience, read the story of Job, where he was rewarded when he listened to God and prayed for his friends.
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Here's What to Read Next - It’s deeper than food: Exposing Ungodly Appetites
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A call for salvation
When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you and Him become one, which is one of the greatest blessings of salvation. To be saved, publicly acknowledge Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9). After this step, pray for guidance to find a ministry where you can grow spiritually, gain knowledge about the kingdom, and begin living the abundant life promised by Jesus.
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SEO Keywords: SSFL, Rich, Prosperity, Wealth, Blessings, Abraham, Success, Obedience