Don't take it personal—continue doing what God said to do.

No longer worry about what others think or how they react to what God asks of you. Don't take personally what God asks you to do. You're not the origin of the idea; the origin comes from God. So, how people respond to what God asks you to do and the consequences that follow—that's on God.
You're simply the conduit, corridor, link, the person God is using or asking to do something for Him, so how people response should never be taken personally or be our responsibility. It should not affect us; all that is on God. We're just the person who said, "Yes, Lord, yes to your will." You did your job and what He wanted you to do, and be very proud and happy to be called or used to do His will. But how people respond to it is not on you; you have no control over that. It's 100% in the hands of and the responsibility of the Holy Spirit.
Let how people react to what God asks you to do be on God. He is our burden bearer; He wants to take up our burden or yoke and deal with it. So, if He's willing to take up whatever happens to us because of what He asked us to do, then give it to Him. Say, "Lord, I did Your will. I'm honored to do Your will," and that's it. Everything else is in God's hands. Move on in life; live your life with joy and peace because you know that anything God asks you to do is significant.
God is intentional, and when He asks you to do something, it means something important. That is enough to be proud of and happy about, even if you don't see the response or results right away, even if others don't understand what you're doing, even if you face backlash. Continue doing what God said to do.
None of us escapes criticism. No one is immune to criticism. But it's a tactic or distraction from the enemy meant to knock us off track or derail us and cause us to lose focus. But see it for what it is, one of Satan's many schemes and keep doing what God has called you to do.
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A call for salvation
When you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, His spirit will become one with yours. This is one of the greatest blessings of salvation. You don't have to go through someone else to get to God, as you and Him are now one.
All you must do is receive salvation, simply choosing to repent of your sins and welcome Jesus into your life by confessing Him as Lord. In Romans 10:9 Paul said, "If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
Here's a Prayer that you can pray to get saved:
Jesus, I confess that you are Lord, and I believe in my heart that you died and were risen for my sins. I ask for forgiveness of my sins, and I accept you as my personal Lord and Savior—in Jesus' name, Amen.
After this step, pray for guidance to find a ministry where you can grow spiritually, gain knowledge about the kingdom, and begin living the abundant life promised by Jesus.
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