Love Has No Conditions
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If there's one word that is frequently misunderstood, it is love, because love has variations and dimensions. For this reason, in this blog, I want to share with you how there's a type of love that you'll never experience outside of God.
God's love is unconditional, and being in a relationship with Him is like being with a person who always tries to outdo their expression of love toward you. Every day they find different ways of showing it.
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When you love someone, it should not come with qualifications. You should love them because it is in you to love, and because we were created to be loved. This understanding of love is completely different than what most of us are used to or even experience.
To be attracted to a person, there are usually things about that person that captivates us and causes us to be drawn to them. It may be their appearance, personality, social standing, or various other attributes. Whatever the reason, there is something intriguing about them that pulls us towards them.
Usually, at this stage, it is only a liking, but as the relationship forms and the bond strengthens, it progresses from simply liking the person to falling in love with them.
This is where things start to get a little deeper. You start to love them despite their imperfections. They have habits that irritate you, yet you put up with them. If you hurt their feelings, you feel remorseful. And what is important to them begins to become important to you.
There is something that happens when love steps in. When love enters your life, a transformation takes place. Your emotions become intertwined with your feelings. At times, you can't quite find the words to express why you love them—you just do. This is where you begin to feel a glimpse of what unconditional love is.
Have you noticed how a parent reacts upon seeing their newborn for the first time? Their entire world changes. They start to see life differently. They begin to perceive life in a new light. For some, it's as if life has just started as they now feel a sense of purpose. They see a legacy. Everything is turned upside down, but in a positive way.
They don’t notice any flaws in the child, and if they did, it would not change their feelings toward them. They love them because the love within them connects to the child. They would sacrifice anything for the child, even their own life.
As they look at this small individual who is now their responsibility, a sense of immediate protection, well-being, and good intention floods their mind.
The love they have evolved within. There was nothing the child needed to say or do—it just happened. It naturally emerged and became who they are toward them. This is how God loves us.
God's love drives Him to care so profoundly for your well-being that He gave His own life for it (John 3:16).
Being in a relationship with God is like being with a person who always tries to outdo their expression of love toward you. Every day they find different ways of showing it. Just when you believe they have shown the greatest extent of their love, they offer even more. And when you thought you have reached the pinnacle of God's love, you'll realize you merely scratched the surface.
God is inherently love. His essence is love. He knows nothing but to love. So, when you let God into your life, you encounter unconditional love.
God's love for you is not determined by your social status, appearance, personality, or character. He loves you simply because He created you to be loved by Him.
God’s love for us is everlasting. The joy you find in Him will never cease, and His joy for you will never die.
How God feels about you is not subject to any conditions. You don’t have to be perfect. You don't need to find the right words. You don't need to say anything at all.
God looks at and desires your heart. Your heart is the vessel into which God will pour Himself, enabling you to live a life beyond your expectations (1 Corinthians 2:9).
His love comes at no cost to you, and you will soon encounter a love that is purely divine.
The greatest and most sensible action one can take is to love God, and the most wonderful gift you can receive is God's love; all that is required is a willingness to accept it.
For some, it might be hard because your perception of love might have been distorted, but God’s love is pure, gentle, kind, and safe. His love focuses not on Himself but on you (Philippians 2:3-4). Once you experience His love, you will desire nothing else.
How can one accurately describe God's love?
His love brings clarity, it is complete, satisfying, goes beyond our limitations. And it can only truly be understood through personal experience. God’s love cannot be substituted—you must experience it personally.
When you see photos of food, it causes a spike in your appetite that creates hunger enticing you to want to eat. However, unless you can actually taste the food, you won't truly understand how savoring the food truly is.
Or, when you read a romantic book, your thoughts are captivated as the words take you to places you can almost feel; sensing the romance, suspense, or appeal. But as emotionally satisfying as the book may be, it remains just a book and an enjoyable read. It will only be a fantasy, a mental image, until you meet the person who will take it from imagination to reality, similar to the way it is with God.
Once you experience His love, you too will struggle with finding the words to describe it, only to find out that the words to accurately describe God's love do not exist, so you do your best to explain the indescribable as best as you can.
His love goes way down into your heart, soul, and the very core of your being. It is like a constant burst of warmth, and it is the true meaning of intimacy—still His love is deeper.
No other person can give you this kind of love. Only love can, and love is God, and God is love (1 John 4:8,16).
His love surpasses gender distinctions; it is neither religious nor legalistic, not conditional, and has no limits. Instead, it is for all of humanity, merciful, unconditional, and boundless.
Not even time can separate God from His love for you. (Romans 8:35, 38-39).
God’s love is who He is and who He wants you to become. God's love is different and out of this world. And there is nothing that could stand in the way of the love that God has for you. He will not allow it (Romans 8:38-39).
You can become so absorbed in His love that time appears to stand still. It would require an eternity to fully grasp the true nature and depth of His love, and we would continually uncover more.
The eternal God entered time to offer His love to everyone. While God's love is immense, it is also personal. Therefore, discover it personally and explore the various aspects of God's love for you.
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A call for salvation
When you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, His spirit will become one with yours. This is one of the greatest blessings of salvation. You don't have to go through someone else to get to God, as you and Him are now one.
All you must do is receive salvation, simply choosing to repent of your sins and welcome Jesus into your life by confessing Him as Lord. In Romans 10:9 Paul said, "If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
Here's a Prayer that you can pray to get saved:
Jesus, I confess that you are Lord, and I believe in my heart that you died and were risen for my sins. I ask for forgiveness of my sins, and I accept you as my personal Lord and Savior—in Jesus' name, Amen.
After this step, pray for guidance to find a ministry where you can grow spiritually, gain knowledge about the kingdom, and begin living the abundant life promised by Jesus.
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SEO Keywords: SSFL, Christian, Blogs, ChristianBlogs, Bible, Love, Relationship, GodsLove, UnconditionalLove, PerfectLove